Sign -up | Get Connected
Building Practice International is a Strategic Partner of Qcircle and its Partner Ecosystem of digital growth.
Qcircle is an integrated multi-faceted eCommerce Consortium with an open Education + Business Development Portal for all to find their own fit. It provides self-directed learning and opportunities for purposeful participation in the eConsortium.
- ePartners who possess special expertise, professional qualification or have acquired a new competency certification can apply to include other specialty programs in their portfolio of services. Members can also submit their programs for accreditation and integration with Qcircle.
- Non-ePartners are welcome to submit an application with details of their prior attainments and or business plan for pathway entry.
Singapore Office
545 Orchard Road #11-12
Singapore 23882
Australia Office
524 Hay Street, Ground Level
Perth WA 6000
Email :
Online Enquiry | Expression of Interes
Member Submission | Application of Services
Member Proposal Form
Investors – ePartners | Business Collaboration Proposal| Service Provider – Client / Mentor – Mentee Application To apply provision of services with all essential details. Please fill in the below form : Non-member Submission | Expression of Interest
Expression of Interest | Proposal Form
Domain Brand Affiliation Form
Members Partners | Please fill in the below form to request for a domain brand for affiliation : 1. Choose a brand category and proposed a preferred domain brand for affiliation. (Please refer to “Brand” for choice selection ) 2. For submission by applicant with a preferred Qcircle Mentor, the Referral Code is the Mentor’s membership numbers. For direct application please enter 001122. A Qcircle Consultant will be allocated to you to guide your progression.