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BPII Job Creation | New Profession by Pakshoon


Job Creation Program with one year complimentary Professional Associate Privilege Award. Eligible for renewal and upgrade

SKU: QC-MEG-SVC-202 Category:

Advance Job Creation Program | Practical Job Education | Mentor or Consultant or Professional at Qcircle
For all qualified persons with prior academic education who is desirous to be part of the eConsortium for growth together.
Progression with Consortium Financial Plan Reward

Outcome :
Create product / service posting at the eBusiness Gallery @ eConsortium
Create a personal URL with product/service with eCommerce exchange.
Create a new profession @ the eConsortium with Professional Associate Financial Plan
Inclusive of first year complimentary Professional Associate Financial Plan Reward

Get listed in the Qcircle Associate Business Page

Conducted by Pak Shoon

Administrator | Qcircle BPII The Institution

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